Why it’s important to discuss COVID-19 with children
Collectively, we are all involved in preventing the spread of COVID-19. Students, educators, families and communities must be aware of the facts involved in the coronavirus pandemic.
What should be included in the discussion?
Families and educators should remember to keep the conversation appropriate to the child’s developmental age. Share facts using age-appropriate terminology, actively listen to students’ concerns and answer their questions as best as you can. It’s okay to let them know if you are unsure of the answer.
How to communicate information about COVID-19 to children
Stay calm and reassuring
Ask what they know or what they’ve heard
Keep children updated with facts
Be honest and available for discussions
Allow children to express their feelings
Validate their feelings
Limit media exposure
Clarify misinformation or misunderstandings such as stigmas and racial inaccuracies and historical context
Reactions To Expect From Children And How To Help
Age group: Preschool
Reactions may include the following.
Fear of being alone, clingy with trusted adults
Speech difficulties, physical aches and pains
Fears expressed through stories or play
Change in appetite
Increased temper tantrums, whining or being withdrawn
How to help:
Exhibit patience and tolerance
Provide verbal and physical reassurance of safety
Encourage expression through play, reenactment, storytelling and drawing
Allow short-term changes in sleep arrangements
Model self-care: Eat and provide healthy meals; maintain good sleep routines
Plan calming, comforting activities before bedtime
Maintain regular family routines
Age group: Elementary (Ages 6-10)
Reactions may include the following.
Irritability, whining, aggressive behavior
Clingy with trusted adults
Sleep and/or appetite disturbance
Physical symptoms (headaches, stomachaches)
Withdrawal from peers, loss of interest
Competition for family/parents’ attention
Forgetfulness about chores and new information learned
How to help:
Exhibit patience, tolerance and reassurance
Encourage play sessions and staying in touch with friends through telephone and internet
Be present and tolerant
Encourage regular exercise and stretching
Give structured household tasks
Engage in educational activities
Discuss the current outbreak and encourage questions. Talk about what they’ve seen or heard online or in the media, and include what is being done in the family and community to help reduce the spread of the outbreak.
Encourage expression through play and conversation
Help create ideas for enhancing positive health behaviors
Maintain family routines
Age group: Middle & High School Students (Ages 11-19)
Reactions may include the following.
Physical symptoms (headaches, rashes, etc.)
Sleep and/or appetite disturbance
Agitation or decrease in energy, apathy
Ignoring positive health behaviors
Isolating from peers and loved ones
Concerns about stigma and injustice
How to help:
Encourage self-care by modeling healthy eating, exercise, good sleep hygiene, deep breathing and meditation
Allow time to unwind
Encourage connecting with others using phones or the internet
Emphasize safety. Let them know it’s okay to be upset and scared. Share with them how to deal with stress and anxiety in a healthy way.