1st Grade Students of the Month for December are Camille Blake, Kaylynn Husak, and Annslee Keller! Congratulations!!

3rd Grade Students of the Month for December are Lily Mason and Livi Atkins! Way to go, ladies.

Middle School Students of the Month for December are Braiden Smallwood, Levi Smith, and Waylon Strider! Great job gentlemen.

4th Grade Students of the Month for December are Hayden Wellman and Chesney Julkowski!! Keep up the good work.

2nd Grade Students of the Month for December are Mia Pacheco and Kamden Krebbs! Awesome job.

5th Grade Students of the Month for December are Sophia Toney and Gracie Sumpter. Great job, ladies!

Congratulations to the 2024-2025 Howe Homecoming Court! Homecoming is scheduled for January 17th versus Keys. #HPSLions

Mrs. Yakel's senior English class has been crossing multiple disciplines with emerging media such as podcasts, research skills, and project based learning. Their project was to investigate famous crimes and express what they learned visually.

Howe HS Basketball will host the Central Sallisaw Basketball teams at Howe on Dec. 20 with the Varsity Girls beginning at 6:00 and Varsity Boys right after!

Howe 7/8 Girls will play at Central Sallisaw tonight at 4:30 followed by High School JV Girls at 5:15 then 7/8 Boys at 6:00 and then finally High School JV Boys at 6:45

Upcoming Live Stream with Bob Marchant! #VoiceOfTheLions #HPSLions

Tristan Hively and the tablet she received from Jim E. Hamilton Correctional Facility for being an outstanding student!

Please see the attached maps for some of the changes that are being made to dismissal. Please be patient as we try to make campus safer for our students.

Student New Dismissal Procedures
At Howe Public Schools, student safety is at the forefront of our mission. If students aren’t kept safe, then we are not doing our jobs. With that being said, we have come to the conclusion that we need to revamp our dismissal procedures. This will be a process and will take everyone, including families, being involved in order to make it a success. We will be starting the new process on January 6, 2025. Below is an outline of what the new procedures will look like.
1. Buses will be lined up between the cafeteria and the auditorium and will be headed out the
West side of the campus.
2. Non bus riders will not be released until buses have left.
3. From 2:00 till 4:00, traffic entering the campus by the new gym will be one direction only.
Signs will be posted.
4. Parking between the administration building and the upper elementary building will be for
staff only. Signs will be posted.
5. Families picking up students are encouraged to stay in their vehicles and let staff bring
students to the appropriate pick up locations.
6. Parking behind the cafeteria or upper elementary will also be discouraged.
7. Parking for parents wishing to pick their children up and not wait in line will be in front of the
new gym (where the cross ties are located) or across the street from the old gym (in the
gravel parking lot).
8. Once buses leave the following will be student pickup locations and all will enter campus by
the new gym;
* 2nd - 5th - East end of the elementary and will exit to the south
* 3YO - 1st - Between the cafeteria and the auditorium once the buses leave and will exit to
the west, students will be brought to the cars by staff
* 6th - 8th only - Head south by administration office and pickup students in front of the
middle school building and exit either south or east
*. HS only - Pick up in the parking lot at the east end of the high school
* Families that have students in multiple grades will pick up 2nd - 5th first and then head
south and either go east toward MS for those students and pick up at corner between MS
and HS or head west and pick up students in 3YO - 1st grade (students will be brought to
the cars by staff)
We are aware that there will be some kinks and issues that will need to be worked on, so please be patient as we work through it all and figure out what works best to keep our students safe. Also, please remember staff members are working their hardest to make this work for everyone and your patience is appreciated.

Representatives from the Jim E. Hamilton Correctional Facilty presented four of our outstanding good citizen students today with bicycles and tablets. These are given to students who are respectful, responsible, reliable, and all-around good citizens. Bicycles were given to Nikki Weaver and Bravin Noah with tablets going to Kaiden Vinson and Tristen Hively. Congratulations to these fine young students. Tristen is at an archey meet today, so her photo will be posted tomorrow.

So many holiday surprises and visitors today! 'Tis the season!

The havoc continues, sneaking snacks.

You never know who will be causing havoc at school. He is a mean one!

All 3rd/4th and 5th/6th basketball games scheduled for Wednesday will be played at Howe starting at 9:00 am.