GOOD LUCK AT STATE! Jayce Blake placed 4th overall in the Regional Golf Tournament last week. She placed 2nd in Individuals with the score of 82. Jayce will be competing in the State Tournament this week.
District Champions!
Congratulations to our Howe Lions! They defeated Sallisaw Central 8-7 last week to earn the title of District Champions!
The Lions will compete in the Class 2A Spring Baseball Regional at Calera on Thursday, May 2 at 11 am. The Lions will play Calera in game #1. GOOD LUCK LIONS!
The Lady Lions (31-5) will be competing in the State Slow-Pitch Tournament on Wednesday, May 1at FireLake Ball Fields in Shawnee at 2:30 pm on Field 3. #GOBIGRED #HPSLions
Game Update: CANCELLED: The 5th/6th Slow Pitch Softball vs Wister at Howe game scheduled for today has been cancelled. #HPSLions
CORRECTION: Zayn Coggins placed SECOND in the high jump at the Okemah regional this last Saturday. This qualifies him for the State Track Meet on May 3 at Western Heights High School. Good Luck Zayn! #HPSLions
Congratulations! Zayn Coggins placed third in the high jump at the Okemah regional this last Saturday. This qualifies him for the State Track Meet on May 3 at Western Heights High School. Good Luck Zayn! #HPSLions
Howe announces Summer Basketball Camp schedules for boys and girls:
The Howe Basketball Camp for girls entering 4th-9th grades is scheduled for May 20-22 from 9 AM - Noon. Camp cost is $40 and includes a camp t-shirt. See flyer at for details.
The Howe Basketball Camp for boys entering 3rd-8th grades is scheduled for May 28-29-30. Grades 3rd-4th will run each day from 9 am - 11:30 am and grades 5th-8th will run from 12:00 - 2:30 pm. Camp cost is $40 and includes a camp t-shirt. See flyer for details
Flyers will be sent home with students later this week.
Our 3 year olds through 2nd grade enjoyed a presentation from the Southwest Dairy Farms this morning, with dairy cow "Grace" as our special guest.
Howe Lady Lions State Championship order has been extended through Thursday, May 2 at 11:59 pm! Place your order NOW, and don't miss getting a piece of HISTORY! You can order two ways:
Online, paying with credit card:
Online, paying with cash/check at the school:
Mobile Dairy Presentation!
The 4th and final show for The Addams Family is starting now! Congratulations to the cast and Dr. and Mrs. Ford for FOUR stellar shows! HPS is so proud of the Mane Attraction family! #HPSLions
Good luck to our Howe Track team competing in Regionals today! #HPSLions
Good luck to our Lady Lions competing in the 2019 Class 4A Slow-pitch State Championship Tourn on Wednesday, May 1! The Howe Lady Lions will play Prague on Field 3 at 2:30 pm at the Ballfields at Firelake in Shawnee. #HPSLions
Howe Lions are district champs!!! Congratulations boys!! ⚾🐾❤
Congratulations to our Howe Lions! They defeated Sallisaw Central 8-7 to earn the title of District Champions! Great job Lions! #HPSLions
It's showtime! Enjoy Mane Attraction in The Addams Family Musical! #HPSLions
Congratulations to #4 ranked Howe Lady Lions! After a 17-13 win in 7 over #5 ranked Calera, they are headed to STATE! #HPSLions
Howe Lions defeated Sallisaw Central 14-4 in 6 innings in their first game of districts. They are getting ready to play them again. GO LIONS!! ⚾🐾 #HPSLions
13 to 4 at the end of 5.
10 to 4 at the end of 4.