If you missed it, here's the HMS and HHS Cheerleaders' "Bring It" routine! The squads brought the house down! https://youtu.be/iZs4xkreYJg #HPSLions
Last Call: The 2018 Basketball Playoff Apparel Orders are due TOMORROW Tuesday, Feb 13 at 8 AM. Order ONLINE at http://bit.ly/howeplayoffs2018 Printable order forms are available in the Documents section of the school website www.howeschools.org #HPSLions GO BIG RED!
Today (Feb 9), the Lions & Lady Lions will play at Quinton. Games start at 6:30 pm #HPSLions
Game times have been UPDATED: The Lions and Lady Lions play TOMORROW, Saturday against Idabel at Howe. The SENIOR recognition ceremony will start at approximately 1:30 pm. The JV Boys' game will now start at 2 pm. The Varsity Girls’ game will start at 3 pm & the Varsity Boys’ game right after. There will NOT be a JV Girls game.
This week's featured value is: Soul. You can Pass It On by doing today's values idea: Keep a journal to connect
with your deeper thoughts and emotions. #HPSLions
Just a reminder: The 2018 Basketball Playoff Apparel Order Form is available online. http://bit.ly/howeplayoffs2018 Printable order forms are available in the Documents section of the school website or at this link: http://5il.co/2rul Order are due Tuesday, Feb 13 at 8 AM #HPSLions
Don't forget the FFA/4-H Booster Club Meeting tonight on the Ag Room @ 6:30 very important meeting, need all parents to attend
Seniors interested in CASC, please be reminded that this Friday, Feb. 9th (TOMORROW), is the deadline for all scholarship applications and the Scholars Program application. You must visit Mrs. Wright to have necessary items sent to CASC #HPSLions
More third graders loving the black bear.
Third graders get close and personal with a black bear.
Game time update: The JV girls play at 12 pm and JV boys play at 12:45 pm on Saturday, Feb 10; Senior recognition ceremony starts at 1:30 pm; Varsity games start at 2 pm
The Howe "Girls Who Code" Club kicked off their official first meeting today! Fourteen students in 8th-11th grade enrolled in the club which meets weekly. Over the next 12 weeks, the girls will work collaboratively to create a technical solution to a problem that matters to them. Club members enjoyed a team-building activity, created their club contract and brainstormed ideas for their Computer Science Impact Project. Earlier in the year, Mrs. Parks' GWC club received a $500 grant to provide opportunities for the students to strengthen their understanding of fields of study and careers in the CS industry. The club members will be taking several field trips in the upcoming weeks to visit STEM-related businesses and connect with industry experts.
HS Students in Mrs. Cooper's Zoology class headed to Morris Creek today to look for benthic macro-invertebrates for the Oklahoma Blue Thumb winter bug collections. This activity happens twice a year as part of the creek's monthly biological, chemical and physical monitoring by Mrs. Cooper and her HS Science students. Benthic macroinvertebrates are species that live at the bottom of a creek or stream which have no backbone and are large enough to see with the naked eye. Robert Barossi, Blue Thumb Educator describes winter bug collecting in a March 2017 blog post, "The entire process is fun and fascinating and a great way for volunteers to get an even better idea of their stream’s health. They can see for themselves just how much life is actually in their stream and how diverse that life is (or isn’t). These bugs tell us a lot and become an essential and important part of the high-quality data Blue Thumb provides to Oklahoma and the Environmental Protection Agency." Mrs. Cooper and Mrs. Parks both attended a two-day Oklahoma Blue Thumb Volunteer training held in Ada, OK on August 18 and 19, 2017 and support the monthly monitoring of Morris Creek, a local creek close to Howe Public Schools. For more information on Oklahoma Blue Thumb, visit http://www.bluethumbok.com.
Third and Fourth grade red/white game.
Howe Basketball Playoff Apparel printable order form is now available at http://5il.co/2rul #HPSLions Plz share!
Mrs. Sockey's Kdg students celebrate the 100th Day of School! #HPSLions #OklaEd
Reminder: Blue and Gold order forms are due today! See an FFA member to get last minute orders in!
More photos from our 100th Day Celebration! #HPSLions #OklaEd
Today is our 100th Day of School! Some of our youngest students & their Teachers &Principal have really aged this year! #HPSLions #OklaEd
Senior Recognition: The Lions and Lady Lions play on Saturday against Idabel at Howe. The JV Girls play at 1 pm. The SENIOR recognition ceremony will start at approximately 1:30 pm. The Varsity games will start at 2 pm There will also be a Junior Class Burger Fundraiser - at the Basketball Games. Come and and support our teams in their last home game in regular season play.