Reminder - Tomorrow, the Choctaw Nation will be holding a flu vaccine clinic on campus. Forms must be filled out prior to getting the shot. Please contact the office or Nurse Lori Hall if you need a from.
6 months ago, Donna Morris
Tomorrow afternoon from 3:30 to 6:30 is Parent/Teacher Conferences. During P/T conferences we will be hosting a literacy event in the cafeteria from 3:30 to 5:30. This will be geared toward elementary students. Please come by and enjoy some fun with your child either before or after your conference with teachers. Students must be accompanied by a parent to attend this. We look forward to seeing you there. Please sign in as you enter.
6 months ago, Donna Morris
Wild About Reading
Today's HS softball regional tournament start time has been pushed back 2 hours! The Lady Lions are scheduled to start game 1 at 3:30pm today in Wister vs. Sallisaw Central! #LadyLionWay
6 months ago, Shelby Whitecotton
Moon Phases and Space Exploration! To celebrate International Dot Day and bring computer science to life, our middle and high school Computer Science students In Mrs. Parks' class dove into an interactive Moon Phases project—using Oreos! Not only did they recreate the different phases of the Moon with delicious creativity, but this week they will also explore a JavaScript coding animation from Khan Academy that models these lunar phases in real-time. 🌑🌓🌕🌗 But that’s not all! We are connecting our project to space exploration, studying how computer science played a crucial role in the Apollo and Artemis missions. From calculating lunar trajectories to building space mission simulations, programming has always been key to reaching the stars! We’re excited for our students to discover how their own coding skills could shape the future of space exploration and beyond. #MoonPhases #InternationalDotDay #STEM #ApolloMissions #ArtemisProgram #ComputerScienceInSpace
6 months ago, Howe Public Schools
2024-2025 National Honor Society Officers: President Janessa Ramirez, Vice-President Micah Davidson, Secretary Emily Gonzalez, Treasurer Reece Harrison, and Reporter Karley Duvall. CONGRATULATIONS!!!
6 months ago, Miguel Ramirez
Howe Baseball this week Today- on the road 4:30 @Clayton v,jv Thursday- 4:30 @home vs Battiest v,jv Senior night will be after varsity game and before Jv. Friday -no game.
6 months ago, Shawn Womack
Tomorrow's High School Softball regional Tournament starts tomorrow in Wister! Tickets are $10 at the gate or can be purchased online for $7+ fees online at the link provided below! Goodluck to our Lady Lions! #LadyLionWay
6 months ago, Shelby Whitecotton
The JH Lady Lion softball team capped off an 8-7 season record with a 13-0 win over Heavener this evening!! Congratulations on a great JH season!! #LadyLionWay
6 months ago, Shelby Whitecotton
Howe Public Schools is excited to host a School Resource Officer poster contest. The winning posters will be displayed on our School Resource Officers’ office door! The contest is open to high school, middle school, and elementary school students, with one winner from each school: HS, MS, and ELEM. Prizes will be awarded for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place. Posters can be hand-drawn or created digitally, but must include all of these items: 1) a sheriff's badge, 2) a lion, 3) the words "Howe Public Schools" and "School Resource Officer," 4) an American flag, and 5) an Oklahoma flag. Entries are due by October 14th. Winning posters will also be displayed at our fall carnival. Submit posters at:
6 months ago, Miguel Ramirez
The Choctaw Nation will be here to give flu shots on September 26, 2024. Forms are available at the high school office.
6 months ago, Miguel Ramirez
Jh and hs baseball today has been cancelled due to weather. Congrats to our Jh Lions on finishing the year 8-4. Bright future ahead. Hs will play tomorrow at Clayton 4:30 start. Varsity and jv. The rest of the week schedule will be sent out as soon as I have it.
6 months ago, Shawn Womack
Today's JH game has been moved to Heavener at 3:00pm due to our home field being too wet! #LadyLionWay
6 months ago, Shelby Whitecotton
Dear Parents: 50 Shades of Sweets snow cones will be on campus Wednesday September 25th!. This is a fundraising event for the HOWE AIR RIFLE/ARCHERY SPORTS PROGRAM. THIS WILL BE THE LAST SNOW CONE SALE UNTIL THE END OF APRIL. The cost of the snow cones will be... $1.00 for a small cup. $3.00 for a medium. Or $5.00 for a Souvenir cup. This is a plastic Souvenir cup that your child can keep and use the next time that 50 Shades is on campus. The next time they refill the Souvenir cup, the cost will be $3.00 If you wish for your child to have a snow cone please send the appropriate amount of money by September 25th. If you have a souvenir cup you may send it with your child. Please make sure their name is on it. Refills for the Souvenir cup are $3.00 Sorry, No replacements for lost or broken cups. Thank you, Coach Sockey Howe Lions Air Rifle/Archery
6 months ago, Howe Public Schools
50 Shades
School picture day is tomorrow, September 24, 2024.
6 months ago, Donna Morris
Howe Softball week schedule 9/23-9/27: Monday 9/23: JH SB @Howe vs. Heavener 3:00pm start Wednesday-Thursday 9/25-9/26: Varsity will begin Regional Playoffs @ Wister! The Lady Lions will play at 1:30pm Wednesday 9/25 vs. Sallisaw Central *bracket attached
6 months ago, Shelby Whitecotton
Howe baseball this week Monday at home Jh 4 Varsity and possible jv after Tuesday Varsity only at home 5:00 Friday at home time tbd Hs/jv only
6 months ago, Shawn Womack
🦁Howe Cheer Bake Sale🦁 Come out and support the Howe Cheerleaders at Ron’s Discount Lumber Saturday September 21st from 10-2! They will have so many yummy treats!! #SupportHoweCheer
6 months ago, Howe High School
Exciting News from Howe Public Schools! This week, our K-5 teachers participated in an incredible workshop hosted by OPSRC and, focusing on teaching the new Oklahoma Computer Science standards mandated by recent Oklahoma legislation. Our educators are now equipped to integrate OK’s Computer Science standards into their classrooms using’s engaging Computer Science Fundamentals courses. We can’t wait to see how our Howe students will benefit from this new learning opportunity, fostering creativity, critical thinking, and problem-solving skills essential for the future! #HeresHowe #CS4All #TeachCode
6 months ago, Howe High School
5th and 6th grade softball will play today 9/20 on Howe vs. Fanshawe at 4:00! Jh softball will play after the 5th and 6th grade game starting at 5:00 vs. Fanshawe! #LadyLionWay
6 months ago, Shelby Whitecotton
The breakfast and lunch menu for the week of September 23-27, 2024 is posted in the schools app and on the website at .
6 months ago, Christie Bennett