As we approach the start of basketball season here is an update on a rule change regarding FT administration. #HPSLions
over 1 year ago, Brooks Cawhorn
2023-24 BB Rule Change
The ES games originally scheduled with Central (Sallisaw) on Tuesday, October 31 has been cancelled at their request. #HPSLions
over 1 year ago, Brooks Cawhorn
Here is the Howe Boys BB scrimmage schedule for the remainder of the current year. November 7, 2023 vs. Kiowa (Howe) 4:00 pm, November 21, 2023 @ Warner 10:00 am, December 21, 2023 @ Dibble, OK TBA. #HPSLions
over 1 year ago, Brooks Cawhorn
Congratulations to Karsyn Nye on her selection to the All-Region Fast Pitch Team (Middle Infielder). #HPSLions
over 1 year ago, Brooks Cawhorn
The 3rd, 4th, and 5th grade classes were treated to a visit today from Oklahoma author, Eileen Hobbs. Mrs. Hobbs has written 6 books for children. Our students are enjoying her series about the Heath Cousins. We appreciate her spending her morning with us at Howe!
over 1 year ago, Carol Ann Ford
Mrs. Hobbs
5th/4th Grades
Mrs. Hobbs2
This week's Howe Intern of the Week is Ariana Hawkins. She is a junior at Howe High School and an intern for the 9th and 10th grades English Teacher, Mrs. Rachel Kardokus. Ariana plans to continue her education at Carl Albert State College or Oklahoma State University. She will be pursuing a degree in education or the medical field. She would love to work with children by becoming a teacher or a pediatrician.
over 1 year ago, Declan Byford
Tomorrow is the day that students can wear a costume to school. Please make sure costumes are not bloody, too scary or have any type of weapon. Students will not be wearing costumes on 10/31/23.
over 1 year ago, Donna Morris
Our table of Lost and Found is growing in the upper elementary building. If you need to look for something, please come to the office and we will help you.
over 1 year ago, Donna Morris
lost and found
Events for the Week of October 30 at Howe Public Schools. #HPSLions
over 1 year ago, Howe Public Schools
November is Native American Heritage Month.
over 1 year ago, Howe Public Schools
Native American Heritage Month
The Howe Elementary Book Fair is scheduled for Nov 6 - 10, 2023 Visit for the Elementary Playlist. #HPSLions
over 1 year ago, Howe Public Schools
Book Fair
Next week's breakfast and lunch menu for the week of Oct 30 - Nov 3 is posted in the School App, and on the website at
over 1 year ago, Ashlynn Thompson
STUCO is giving a prize to one person from each class who dresses up during red ribbon week. Yesterday’s dress-up winners for Too Bright for Drugs/Anything but a backpack are Haileigh Malone, Karsyn Burgess, Micah Davidson, and Nic Hopkins. Stop by Mrs. Wigginton’s room today for your prize!
over 1 year ago, Declan Byford
As part of a continued collaboration between the Health Dept and the Choctaw Nation of Oklahoma, a school flu vaccination program is available this year which will provide voluntary flu vaccinations. The Influenza vaccine is available at no charge to school staff and students (native and non-native). The flu vaccine clinic is Monday, October 30th at 9 am. Consent forms were sent home with Elem/MS students earlier this week, and forms are also available in the HS office. If you have any questions, please contact Miranda Bray, RN at 918-649-1100 ext. 1184. #HPSLions
over 1 year ago, Howe Public Schools
Schedule for Red/White 3rd & 4th Grade games.
over 1 year ago, Donna Morris
Just as a reminder, 8th Grade students will be going to KTC Career Connections in Poteau on Thursday morning. They will leave the school and return about 10:00. These students will need to go to the cafeteria for breakfast before school starts.
over 1 year ago, Donna Morris
Red Ribbon Week is scheduled for October 24-27! Here are the Dress Up Day Themes for all grade levels! For more student activities, visit: #HPSLions
over 1 year ago, Howe Public Schools
There will be a JOM Parent Committee Meeting on Tuesday, October 24 at 3 pm in the School Auditorium. All parents of JOM students are invited to attend. #HPSLions
over 1 year ago, Howe Public Schools
Next week's breakfast and lunch menu for the week of Oct 24-27 is posted in the School App, and on the website at
over 1 year ago, Ashlynn Thompson
Howe FFA Opening/Closing Ceremonies team 2nd place Regionals Winners!!!! State Qualifiers!!!
over 1 year ago, James Marshall