ES Boys BB @ Heavener (4:30 PM). The 6th grade will play first followed by the 4th and 5th grades. #HPSLions
over 1 year ago, Brooks Cawhorn
Students in elementary and middle school do not need to be staying after school today for the Fall Carnival. There will not be any teachers available for supervision. Students need to go home and come back with family. Carnival is from 4:30 to 7:00 with the coronations being at 5:00 for 3YO to 2nd grade and 6:00 for 3rd - 8th grade.
over 1 year ago, Donna Morris
Congratulations to Ryon J.! He placed 2nd in the Smash Tournament in Bixby today, and the MS team took 3rd place overall! Shout out to Mr. Edwards for doing the driving and coaching duties!
over 1 year ago, Carol Ann Ford
Smash 10/23
This week's breakfast and lunch menu for the week of Oct 16-18 is posted in the School App, and on the website at
over 1 year ago, Ashlynn Thompson
Congratulations to Kadynce Delt on her selections as Class 2A-10 District Fastpitch MVP. Congratulations to Karsyn Nye and Slatey Free on their selection to the Class 2A-10 All District Fastpitch Team. #HPSLions
over 1 year ago, Brooks Cawhorn
Don't miss "Sports Shots" at Thursday's Red and White Games. Flyer with pricing info is being sent home today with students. #HPSLions
over 1 year ago, Howe Public Schools
Save The Date!
over 1 year ago, Howe Public Schools
This event will start at 3:45... There will be a concession stand available. Admission will be $3 for adults and $2 for Students.
over 1 year ago, Declan Byford
Howe FFA members competed, placing 3rd at the Byng Opening Closing Ceremonies contest tonight. They will compete next week in the Regionals contest.
over 1 year ago, James Marshall
This week's intern of the week at Howe HIgh School is Mason York. He is a junior who interns for the high school science teacher, Mrs. Jessica Wigginton. Mason plans to pursue a business degree at the University of Oklahoma. His future plan is owning and operating a Fitness Center.
over 1 year ago, Declan Byford
Next week's breakfast and lunch menu for the week of Oct 9-13 is posted in the School App, and on the website at
over 1 year ago, Ashlynn Thompson
The October BPA meeting will be held in Mr. Casey’s Room Tomorrow Morning (Tuesday Oct. 10th) Breakfast will be provided.
over 1 year ago, Declan Byford
Congratulations to the following King and Queen grade winners for our annual Fall Carnival. 3YO - Adlynn Terry and Zayden Parker-Williams PreK - KeithLynn Meeks and Josiah Wann K - Kenasyn Whitecotton and Kitt Wright 1st - Emery Fry and Kamden Krebbs 2nd - Kenzie Scott and Tryton Johnson 3rd - Isla Martinez and Colten Drury 4th - Gracie Sumpter and Jastin Paul 5th - Maci McBride, Greer Dodson and Carson Hamlin 6th - Baylee Carter and Bentley Thompson 7th - Jayleigh Smith and Kaiden Vinson 8th - Brileigh Blake and Jacob Leatherwood Students can continue to sell tickets until Oct. 12th at noon to help their class win their division.
over 1 year ago, Donna Morris
Howe Cheerleader Big/Little Sister Adoption Day is today from 3:15 till 8:00 in the cafeteria. Little sisters can start being picked up at 7:45.
over 1 year ago, Donna Morris
MS Esports in National Tournament action today! Huge thank you to Mr. Edwards for helping us out with coaching today! The team lost 1-3 in Rocket League vs Caruso, but they are improving every match.
over 1 year ago, Carol Ann Ford
Rocket League 1
Rocket League 2
Rocket League 3
Tulsa State Fair Doe Showmanship competition: Breanna Welch and Gracie Harris
over 1 year ago, James Marshall
Tulsa State Fair Swine show, Balie Moore, Rhilynn Young, and Chloey Young.
over 1 year ago, James Marshall
CONGRATULATIONS to the Howe Lions Air Rifle Teams for a great showing at the first SAR (Student Air Rifle) meet in Oklahoma. Results from the meet. In the High School division the Lions won 1st place with individual awards going to Jordyn Kennison placing 5th, KImber Bryan 4th, Darren Hudlow 2nd, and Phoenix Duncan taking 1st place. The Junior High team also took 1st place with the Lions taking all the top 6 spots. 6th place-Diesel Robertson, 5th-Sylus Cooper, 4th-Ryan Dugan, 3rd-Aiden Gunnels, 2nd- Aiyden Horn, and 1st place went to Lexi Burnett. In the Elementary division the team got runner up and individuals Kearsyn Burgess took 5th, Ella Thomas got 4th, and Adin McBride took 3rd. The Marksmanship award went to Junior High Lady Lion Lexi Burnett who was the top overall shooter for the match.
over 1 year ago, Donna Morris
Air Rifle
Air Rifle
Air Rifle
Air Rifle
Air Rifle
Tomorrow at 12:00 pm, carnival tickets for the grade level Fall King and Queen contest are due to the classroom/homeroom teacher or the office. Class winners will be announced on October 6th. Classes can continue to sell tickets until October 12th, 12:00 pm to count towards the division winners. This is for 3YO to 8th grade.
over 1 year ago, Donna Morris
Day 2 Tulsa State Fair Abby Hale competing in the market sheep and goat shows
over 1 year ago, James Marshall