High school canned/non-perishable food drive. Help us feed families in need! Food is due November 20th. The class with the most food wins a pizza party!

Elementary/Middle School canned food drive. Canned goods will help local families in need.

The breakfast and lunch menu for the week of Nov. 18-22 is posted in the schools app and on the website at http://howeschools.org/dining .

Howe Public Schools Johnson O'Malley (JOM) students in grades 6th-12th are invited to attend the CULTURAL AWARENESS FIELD TRIP TO THE CHOCTAW CULTURAL CENTER NEAR DURANT, OK on Tuesday, November 19. The charter busses will depart from HOWE PUBLIC SCHOOLS at 7:45 AM and RETURN to campus at approximately 6:00 pm. Please complete permission form by Monday, Nov. 18, 2024 at NOON. https://forms.gle/KBhUrNG43Baemtxt5

Attention 3rd-12th grade parents:
Parental Notification/Opt-out Form Howe Schools, in partnership with Terrace Metrics, Inc., is proud to provide an innovative system to students and families. This system is designed to examine the resiliency of participating students from 3rd Grade through grade 12. This consent form will describe the purpose of the service. https://forms.gle/SwfN559mKWFjcBn69

Howe 7/8 girls and boys will play Panama at Howe tomorrow at 5:00.. JV games are cancelled,

More Veterans Day Snapshots.

Veterans Day Snapshots.

Howe JH girls and boys host Pocola JH tonight beginning at 4:30 with 7/8 Girls B game.. then 7/8 Girls A game.. then 7/8 boys B game and finally 7/8 boys A game

Elementary and middle school, please remember that students do not need to be dropped off before 7:35. That is when the doors open and staff on duty is here to supervise them. Also, school does not dismiss before 3:15. We ask that you try to limit picking students up before that time, due to class still being in session. Thank you for your help and cooperation.

The breakfast and lunch menu for the week of Nov 11-15th is posted in the schools app and on the website at http://www.howeschools.org/dining .

Howe Lady Lions Varsity Basketball Team will be playing Fort Smith Northside at Northside tonight at 6:00 in a Benefit/Scrimmage!

3rd/4th and 5th/6th grade basketball games have been canceled by Wister for tomorrow.

Congratulations, Coach.Brown, Coach Hildebrant, and the 5th & 6th Lions on winning runner-up in the Shady Point tournamnet!

Congratulations, Coach Scarberry, Coach Hiildebant and the 5th & 6th Howe Lady Lions on winning runner-up in the Shady Point Tournament!

It's almost time for the Book Fair! November 18-22. Family night will be during Parent/Teacher Conferences.

The Howe Public Schools Veterans Day Program will be in the New Gym lobby on Monday, November 11, 2024, at 10:00 am. All veterans are invited to attend and are invited to lunch immediately following the event.

Congratulations Lady Lions!!!

Congratulations to Kaiden Vinson for raising the most money for our latest fundraiser!!!

There is always something great happening at HHS! Mrs. Wigginton was kind enough to take on the additional responsibility of being a sponsor for a creative arts club. Each meeting, they tackle different kinds of art for creative expression ranging as widely as poetry to drawing. Here is a small example of some handy work. Earlier this week, they met to create visual thank-yous for the Veterans Day program next week.